
Tag: Singapore Math

Learn Singapore Math through Online Tutoring with Real Singaporean based tutors
12 Feb 2020

Learn Singapore Math through Online Tutoring with Real Singaporean based tutors

( Math is notoriously difficult in Singapore and that has gotten it consistent backlash from parents and students alike. In fact, the recent 2019 Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) mathematics paper has left students in tears, (...)
Here are 5 Sources that Carry Singapore Math Samples
27 Oct 2019

Here are 5 Sources that Carry Singapore Math Samples

Maths in Singapore is rigorous. A solid proof of this is the fact that there exists a “Singapore Math.” There is no British Math or Japanese Math, yet there is Singapore Math, which is just called “maths” by local students. This means that Singapore has a unique method of teaching math that other na (...)
Consolidation of 7 Singapore Math Resources Including Those Contributed by Singapore Parents
22 Oct 2019

Consolidation of 7 Singapore Math Resources Including Those Contributed by Singapore Parents

Why is Singapore Math beneficial for your child?Being a student in Singapore nowadays is not an easy feat. Before entering university, children must attend school for about 10 years—with six years of primary education required by the Ministry of Education as per the Compulsory Education of CE Act.&n (...)
Online Tutoring Is Here for Your Child's Math Homework Now
20 Oct 2019

Online Tutoring Is Here for Your Child's Math Homework Now

With the growing number of students enrolling online to utilize digital learning resources—more than 6.3 million students in the U.S. alone—there is absolutely no doubt that e-learning has come and is here to stay. From its humble beginnings in the 1960s, where computer terminals in the University o (...)
4 things to know as parents doing Singapore math through home-schooling
17 Oct 2019

4 things to know as parents doing Singapore math through home-schooling

Singapore math, or just simply ‘maths’, as it is known here in Singapore, is mathematics done based on the Singapore syllabus. This term was first coined in America to refer to this particular type of mathematics. At present, over 20 countries use it, including the United States, Chile and Israe (...)
The Challenges of Math Tutoring for Each Primary School Grade Level in Singapore Math
06 Oct 2019

The Challenges of Math Tutoring for Each Primary School Grade Level in Singapore Math

Mathematics can be a complex subject. It is both fundamental and complex—it is as old as humanity itself and it covers a wide array of topics and concepts. At present, mathematics is known to branch out to various areas of study, with the European Mathematical Society and Heidelberg Academy of Scien (...)
5 reasons to learn Singapore math through online tutoring with Singaporean curated tutors
29 Sep 2019

5 reasons to learn Singapore math through online tutoring with Singaporean curated tutors

Singapore math is a term coined by the United States to describe the mathematics syllabus that is used by the city-state, Singapore. However, it is more commonly known as just ‘maths’ here in Singapore. After Singapore gained independence, we initially adopted the math syllabus of other countrie (...)
Math Tuition Centres in Singapore - Good and Affordable Math Tutoring
16 Aug 2019

Math Tuition Centres in Singapore - Good and Affordable Math Tutoring

Math can be a difficult subject for many school children, especially with many of them left stumped with the Math problems in their test papers and homework. Nonetheless, Math remains as one of the most important subjects in school, as it is a subject required for admission into many university cour (...)
How to Find The Best Singapore Math Tutor for Your Child
15 Aug 2019

How to Find The Best Singapore Math Tutor for Your Child

Math is a subject that puzzles many students in Singapore and all around. For every struggling child out there, there is probably the same number of parents who are also scratching their heads about this. For many students, math is not the most intuitive subject and they struggle to understand it co (...)
The Ultimate Guide to Math Homework Help in Singapore
29 Jul 2019

The Ultimate Guide to Math Homework Help in Singapore

School is tough, and in Singapore, it seems to be getting tougher for the kids every year. Year after year, so many stories about the horrors of increasingly difficult PSLE Math questions have surfaced in the form of parent forums and social media outlets, showing just how much tougher it is getting (...)
Tuition … looking back: A student’s perspective
02 Jul 2019

Tuition … looking back: A student’s perspective

A question I often get asked when I bumped into any of my friends’ parents was “Do you have tuition?”, upon finding out my grades were slightly better than my friends. After getting asked this question once, I shrugged it off as an overzealous parent trying to show concern for their child’s educ (...)
Do better in Math Word Problem
06 Jun 2019

Do better in Math Word Problem

The word problems that my child is facing in primary school are too difficult. He is struggling to get them correct. How can I help my child do better at word problems? Many parents of primary school going children often face this problem when their child progresses to Primary 4 or 5. Their wor (...)